5 Days of Intermittent Fasting

Sunday, I decided to try this whole crazy thing called Intermittent fasting.  

Intermittent fasting is where you fast for a set time and eat for a set time, instead of eating all day.
I decided to try the 16/8 split. Where you fast for 16 hours and eat for 8. During that 8 hours of eating you still want to make sure the food your eating is healthy and within your calorie/Macros and drinking half your body weight in water a day.

Day 1 (Sunday)
I was really excited to try this so not eating breakfast was a little hard for me. But I had a coffee and started drinking my water. Surprisingly I didn’t get hungry till about 11:30. Which was ok because I was ending my fast at noon.  Found it somewhat hard to fit all my food into 8 hours because I was full from eating already. But by the time 8:00 came my head started playing games with me thinking I was hungry and I clearly wasn’t.

Day 2 (Monday)
Today was a little harder, I felt good and had my water and coffee. I ended up making biscuits and gravy for breakfast, but enjoyed everyone else eating. I stuck to my guns and waited. Broke my fast at 12. Today got easier as it went on.

Day 3 (Tuesday)
It’s weird for me not to have breakfast in the mornings but I break my fast at 12 with what I would normally have for breakfast. By today I’m really feeling good. I’ve been stricter at tracking my macros and watching what I’m putting in my body. Making sure the food I’m eating is going to fuel my workouts.

Day 4 (Wednesday)
I’ve got this down now. I still get hunger pains before I break, usually they hit me about 11:30-11:45. I’m actually starting to enjoy doing this. I still have the freedom on eating what I want it’s just all pushed into the hours of 12-8. Wednesday are my heavy gym day, and I was worried I’d be sluggish tonight. But surprisingly I felt really good. My run felt better, my muscles didn’t feel like they were sluggish and sore.

Day 5 (Thursday)
This was my last day, but this time I was really getting the hang of it. It was still hard to get in all the food in that period of time but my body was adjusting well.

My Thoughts

While there’s not a wrong way to eat healthy, there are conflicting ideas as to how many meals to have, how often to eat, and when to eat. But truly it’s your own choice and what works well for your body might not work well for someone else.  I’m a breakfast person, I have been for a few years. So not having breakfast was hard for me. I found that I would still break my fast with some type of breakfast food.
I think that regardless to how you consume food, as long as you stick to a healthy balanced diet then losing weight and staying healthy shouldn’t be a worry.
Have questions on how to setup/track your macros? Comment below.


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